Users with a small yellow How To Make logo How To Make Member next to their profile picture indicates they are a How To Make member.
You can find out more about being a How To Make Member here www.mcmcard.com.

You can find the Terms & Conditions within the app. Simply navigate the menu shown at the bottom of the screen, head to More > Terms and Conditions.

The How To Make App is completely free to download and free to use.

Yes. To edit your existing posts, simply head to your profile, select a post, and then select ‘Edit’ located on the top right.

Yes. Although the app doesn’t currently support in app sharing, posts can be shared externally, for example; via whatsapp, Facebook etc. They will only be able to see the post if they either download the app, or have the app already.

Absolutely. We allow all use of external links when uploading content, including; the option to add links to the materials and equipment you have used throughout the project. These can be used to add affiliate links.

Each user has the option to add text, up to 250 Characters which will appear on your profile. You can use this section to add any information you’d like, including Addresses. To add/change this text, simply click More on the bottom menu, and then Edit profile.

Although you can’t currently access your account via the PC, it’s something we’ll be working on in the future.

Yes. Once you have taken/uploaded your first image, you’ll be given the option to add another one during the next step. Simply click the text: Add Another Photo/Video to repeat the process. You can upload a maximum of 6 images to one post.

Yes. Once you have taken or uploaded an image to your post, you’ll then be given the option to add audio. Simply tap the microphone symbol to get started.

After setting up your account, you’ll be directed to the ‘Feed’ screen where you’ll see a menu at the bottom of the page. Click ‘Make’ to begin uploading content.

When adding content for the first time, you will be asked to create a new project. A project is where you’ll add content/posts documenting a single project.

Once you have named your project, you’ll then be able to start adding to it. You’ll automatically be promted to add a new post. Users are able to follow a journey of your project and so; if you haven’t started yet, this could be a teaser on what’s to come. If you have already completed a project, you can simply use the post to explain the steps you have taken. You can upload as many posts to a single project as you’d like, meaning you can use this function to break the steps down.

A project within the How To Make App is a collection of posts documenting a single project.

When creating a new post, you will be asked to create a new project or which existing project you would like it to be added to. You can have as many projects at one time as you’d like.

Some of the projects you’ll find while searching the app may be complete, while others, are still in progress. You can follow the journey of project by simply following the user. You will then see any updates in your news feed.

There are many ways to get more followers on the How To Make App. The most effective way to gain followers is simply by posting content. Creating engaging projects & posts will attract visits to your profile.

Adding tags to your content is a huge contributing factor for your posts and projects to be found. Lots of our users will be searching for content just like yours, and our system will match relevancy of their search, based on your tags.

Engaging with others is also a great way to increase your following. Once you post, you may find other users commenting directly on your content. Engaging with them will encourage them to want to see more content and ultimately follow you.

Equally, initiating conversations throughout any content on the app will help toward attracting more followers.

Yes. Simply head to the bottom menu and tap ‘me’. Once your profile has loaded, tap ‘Followers’ which will then show you a list of people who have followed you.

Yes. Simply head to the bottom menu and tap ‘me’. Once your profile has loaded, tap ‘Following’ which will then show you a list of people who you follow.

Search for the user you wish to unfollow and simply tap the ‘Unfollow’ text to the right of their name. They wont be notified that you have unfollowed them.

You can see who you follow by heading your profile and clicking followers. Simply head to the bottom menu and tap ‘me’. Once your profile has loaded, tap ‘Following’ which will then show you a list of people who you follow.

When you sign up to the How To Make App, we ask you to select a few interests. Our system will then show you posts we think you’ll like, based on what was selected. You can change your preferences/Interest by navigating to the menu found at the bottom of the feed screen, then:  MORE >  EDIT PREFERENCES.

Alternatively, you can use the ‘Explore’ tab at the bottom of the screen, and search for content posted by users based on tags; for example ‘Woodworking’ or ‘Pottery’.

If your account is private, nobody will be able to send you a direct message. If your account is public, each message received will enter into a folder, which will need to be approved by you, before being moved into your inbox. You will only be notified about new messages from contacts within your approved inbox.

Yes. Each user has the ability to send private messages to other users, providing the recipients account is public. Simply find the user via the ‘Explore’ tab and you’ll see a small grey message icon. Once clicked, this will open up your messenger.

To begin the verification process, simply navigate the menu found at the bottom of the screen, then:  MORE >  GET VERIFIED.

We’ll then ask for your full name along with a government issue photo ID to verify the account is yours. 

Verification signals authenticity and notability. Your account must represent a real person, registered business or entity. Your account must be public and have a bio, profile photo and at least one post. Your account must represent a well-known, highly searched-for person, brand or entity.

We verify accounts that are featured in multiple news sources. We don’t consider paid or promotional content as news sources.

Having a verified account will give your current, and any future followers peace of mind that they’re following the right person, brand or entity. Once an account is verified, a small blue tick will appear next to your user name under your account.

Yes. To manage all push notifications, simply navigate the menu found at the bottom of the screen, then:  MORE >  EDIT NOTIFICATIONS.

There you will see a list of notifications we send along with the option to turn them off individually.

If you have forgotten your password, these can be reset by opening the app and clicking ‘Log in’. On the next screen, you’ll see a link under the password entry field titled ‘Forgotten your password?’

Once clicked, you’ll be prompted to enter your email address and click Reset Password. This will send further instructions to the email address provided.

To edit any personal information, simply navigate the menu found at the bottom of the screen, then:  MORE >  EDIT PROFILE.

Once you have made any changes, simply click ‘SAVE CHANGES’

Yes. To change your password while logged in, navigate the menu found at the bottom of the screen, then:  MORE >  CHANGE PASSWORD.

You’ll need to enter your current password in order to change it. Then Click: SAVE CHANGES